Does Butterfly Burn More Calories than Freestyle

There has been recent debate on whether or not butterfly stroke burns more calories than freestyle. A study by the University of Utah sought to find an answer to this question. The study found that the butterfly is marginally better, while there is no significant difference in calorie burn between the two strokes.

When it comes to calorie burn, all things being equal, it appears that butterflies may be a marginally better choice than freestyle. This is likely due to the greater muscle recruitment required for the stroke, which means you engage more muscles and burn more calories.

It’s crucial to remember that several factors, like your weight and exercise level, affect calorie burn, so your mileage may vary. If you want to burn some extra fat, you could attempt the butterfly.

The Study on Calorie Burn between Butterfly and Freestyle

According to the research findings that compared the number of calories burned when swimming butterfly and freestyle, there is no discernible difference between the two strokes. On the other hand, the butterfly has a slight advantage, most likely due to the more extensive muscle recruitment necessary for the stroke.

This makes the butterfly stroke a more efficient way to burn calories. To properly execute this stroke, you need to use the proper technique. Let’s explore the appropriate way to achieve the butterfly stroke and how it can help you burn more calories.

The first thing you need to do is find a pool with ample space to swim in. Once you have found a collection, remove your clothes and jump in. Make sure the water is at a comfortable temperature before getting started. Now, let’s look at how to execute the butterfly stroke properly.

To start:

  1. Position yourself in the pool to crouch down with your arms by your sides.
  2. Make sure your head is above the water’s surface, and take a deep breath.
  3. Push off the wall with both feet and extend your arms forward.

As you extend your arms, tuck your chin into your chest and keep your legs together. Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to starting work. Repeat this motion for as long as you like.

What to Consider before Choosing a Swimming Stroke

When it comes to swimming, there are a variety of strokes to choose from. But before you decide on a particular stroke,

There are a few things you need to take into account.

  • First, consider your swimming ability. Some strokes are easier than others, so if you’re starting, you may want to stick with a basic stroke like the front crawl.
  • Second, think about your body type. Some strokes are better suited for specific body types than others. For example, the butterfly stroke is a good choice for taller swimmers because they have more reach.
  • Third, consider your goals. If your goal is to burn more calories, the butterfly stroke is a good choice because it burns more calories than most other strokes.

Pros and Cons of the Butterfly Stroke

The butterfly stroke is a powerful swimming stroke that can help you burn more calories. However, it requires a lot of energy and stamina, so it’s not the best stroke for beginners. With practice, however, you can become a master of the butterfly stroke.

Some of the pros of the butterfly stroke include

  • You can swim faster with this stroke than with other strokes.
  • It’s an excellent workout for your arms, legs, and core.
  • It’s a fun stroke to learn and practice.

Some of the cons of the butterfly stroke include

  • It requires a lot of energy and stamina.
  • You may not be able to swim as far with this stroke as you could with another stroke.
  • It can be challenging to master.

The Most Efficient Swimming Strokes for Burning Calories

When it comes to burning calories, swimming is hard to beat. A 155-pound person can burn almost 500 calories in an hour of swimming. But not all swimming strokes are created equal. Some strokes are more efficient than others at burning calories.

Breaststroke is one of the swimming strokes that is the most effective at causing one to lose weight. With this stroke, the entire body gets a workout, but the upper body and abdominals get a perfect workout.

The butterfly stroke is another type of swimming stroke that is quite effective. This stroke is an excellent way to work out the whole body, but it is beneficial for reducing leg fat because it involves a lot of leg movement.

How to Properly Execute the Butterfly Stroke

As with any swimming stroke, the butterfly stroke requires proper technique to be executed efficiently.

Here are the steps you need to follow to execute the butterfly stroke properly

  1. Start in the water in a prone position, with your face down and your arms outstretched in front of you, palms down.
  2. Bend your elbows and bring your hands together so that your thumbs touch your chest.
  3. Dig your heels into the pool bottom and press your toes against the pool wall to raise your body out of the water.
  4. Keep your head down, and extend your arms and legs straight to form a “W” shape. Hold this position for two seconds.
  5. Bring your arms and legs back towards your body, and dive underwater.
  6. Push off the pool bottom with your feet and swim forward with a flutter kick.
  7. When you reach the water’s surface, tuck your chin and bring your arms back up to your chest.
  8. Continue flutter kicking and perform another stroke cycle.