How to Swim Breaststroke With Head Out of Water

When swimming breaststroke, it is essential to keep your head out of the water as much as possible to breathe and see where you are going. This can be done by using a snorkel or by doing the following drills:

  1. Dolphin Kick: Lift your head and tuck your chin down as you kick your legs up and down in a dolphin motion. Keep your hips high and extend your legs fully.
  2. Scissor Kick: You should raise your head above the water when you begin a conventional breaststroke. Raise your head, tuck your chin, and kick your legs like you’re using scissors. Keep your thighs wholly extended and your hips high.
  3. Forward Stroke: Tilt your chin down slightly and extend one arm forward while keeping the other arm at your side. Kick with both legs and keep them together as you move forward.
  4. Backstroke: Extend one arm behind you while maintaining the other at your side and dipping your chin ever-so-slightly. Kick backward with both legs at the same time.
  5. Breaststroke Turn: Make a left turn with your head and reach forward with one arm while maintaining the other at your side. Use a combined kicking motion from both legs while turning.

By doing these drills, you can swim breaststroke more efficiently and faster. In addition, you will also be able to avoid

Why You Should Swim Breaststroke With Your Head Out of the Water 

Keeping your head above water when you breaststroke is an excellent method to work on your form and go faster. The ability to see and breathe typically significantly improves swimming performance. This swimming method might also help you concentrate and maintain your composure.

Keeping your head above water while swimming the breaststroke allows for easier breathing. You’ll have more oxygen to fuel your muscles if you get fresh air.

This can help you to swim faster and with more energy. Additionally, being able to see where you are going can also help you to swim more efficiently. You can better navigate your strokes and avoid obstacles when you can see clearly.

Tips for Improving Breaststroke With a Head Out of Water

When swimming breaststroke, keeping your head out of the water can help improve your speed and technique. Here are a few tips for improving your breaststroke when you’re not able to keep your head above the surface:

  1. Keep your body as streamlined as possible. Keep your hips and legs close together, and tuck your chin down to look at the pool’s bottom. This will help you move through the water more efficiently.
  2. Use a more decisive kick. When you can keep your head out of the water, use a solid kick to propel yourself forward. Extend your legs and push off the pool bottom with power.
  3. Take short, fast breaths. When swimming with your head out of the water, take short, quick puffs to get enough oxygen. Try to keep your mouth closed so that you’re not swallowing water.
  4. Focus on your arm motion. Keep your arms close to your body, and use a solid forward motion to propel yourself through the water.
  5. Practice swimming with your head out of the water. Get in the habit of lifting your head to take a breath and then tucking it back down so that you can focus on your stroke. This will help you get used to the feeling of swimming with your head above the surface.

Breaststroke Drills to Help You Swim With a Head Out of Water  

The advantages of swimming breaststroke with your head above water include improved visibility and airflow. Check out these drills if you want to sharpen your skills.

  1. Freestyle Drill: Swim with a head out of water for 50 meters. This drill will help you to get comfortable swimming with a charge out of the water.
  2. Snorkel Drill: Swim with a snorkel for 100 meters. This drill will help you to breathe more easily while swimming breaststroke.
  3. Sighting Drill: Swim with a head out of water and sight at objects on the shoreline for 50 meters. This drill will help you to stay oriented while swimming and improve your visibility.
  4. Tempo Drill: Swim with a head out of the water and count your strokes for 25 meters. This drill will help you to find a comfortable swimming tempo.
  5. Distance Drill: You must complete a 500-meter swim with your head above water. Increasing your stamina in the pool through this exercise is a great way to improve your breaststroke.

How to Use a Snorkel for Breaststroke With Your Head Out of the Water

When swimming breaststroke with a head out of the water, it can be helpful to use a snorkel for easier breathing. Here are a few tips for using a snorkel while swimming breaststroke:

  1. Make sure that the snorkel is comfortable and fits well.
  2. Position the snorkel in your mouth so the mouthpiece is in the front and the barrel rests on your forehead.
  3. Breathe through your nose and mouth while keeping the snorkel in your mouth.
  4. Keeping your face out of the water and breathing using a snorkel is a good technique for swimming.

Try using a snorkel while swimming breaststroke to make it easier to breathe!

The Benefits of Swimming Breaststroke With a Head Out of Water

Swimming breaststroke with your head out of the water can provide several benefits, including:

  • easier breathing
  • better visibility
  • faster swimming

In addition to using a snorkel for breaststroke, try these drills to improve your technique:

  • breaststroke kick with a resistance band
  • single arm pull with a swimming strap
  • body roll drill